DBA can investigation which objects are invalid and they can take necessary action for those object. Number of objects are invalid by object types SELECT object_type, COUNT ( * )...
/ Posted by KapilCheck file version in application through sql script & linux/sun os command. Enter file name in below script which provide file version with location. SELECT af.app_short_name "Application", af.filename "File Name",...
/ Posted by KapilDBA can view users who are trying to access the production database through oracle script where they can able to view who are presently logged in / accessed the database....
/ Posted by KapilFind all the assets list through given script. SELECT DISTINCT a.asset_number, a.description, a.asset_type, d.segment1 asset_key, c.segment1 major_category, c.segment2 minor_category, c.segment3 sub_minor_category, b.deprn_method_code, b.life_in_months/12 life, b.book_type_code, b.date_placed_in_service, b.depreciate_flag, b.cost, h.units_assigned UNITS,...
/ Posted by KapilFollowing API can replace username of specific workflow type through one execution which reduce the manual updating work of workflow. Sometimes some users are end dated for any reason during...
/ Posted by Kapil