Oracle EBS ERP Setup
Following API can replace username of specific workflow type through one execution which reduce the manual updating work of workflow. Sometimes some users are end dated for any reason during...
/ Posted by KapilFind out the status of concurrent request which is pending in oracle EBS. select fcr.REQUEST_ID, fu.user_name, fcr.PHASE_CODE, fcr.STATUS_CODE, (fcr.ACTUAL_COMPLETION_DATE - fcr.ACTUAL_START_DATE) * 24 * 60 TIME_MINS, fcpt.USER_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_NAME, fcp.CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_NAME, fcr.ACTUAL_START_DATE, fcr.ACTUAL_COMPLETION_DATE,...
/ Posted by KapilFind Record lock through query which provide two record of same form session in which status of one session should be NOWAIT which should be kill for release the lock....
/ Posted by KapilQuery provide output of the concurrent request which is executed between date & time range in database / oracle EBS. A) If need any specific concurrent request which is executed...
/ Posted by KapilOutput of the query display all the concurrent request which is running presently in database / oracle EBS. SELECT distinct a.request_id ,frt.responsibility_name ,ctl.user_concurrent_program_name ,a.phase_code,actual_start_date ,fu.user_name ,Round(((sysdate - a.actual_start_date) / (1...
/ Posted by Kapil