Oracle EBS ERP Setup
Discover concurrent request run in which concurrent manager SELECT a.include_flag, a.queue_application_id, c.user_concurrent_queue_name, d.user_concurrent_program_name FROM applsys.fnd_concurrent_queue_content a, applsys.fnd_concurrent_programs b, apps.fnd_concurrent_queues_vl c, fnd_concurrent_programs_tl d WHERE type_id = b.concurrent_program_id AND c.concurrent_queue_id = a.concurrent_queue_id...
/ Posted by KapilOnce applied the patch DBA can examine if any table is modified with the column name. SELECT table_name, column_name FROM dba_tab_columns WHERE table_name IN ('AP_INVOICES_INTERFACE', 'AP_INVOICE_LINES_INTERFACE', 'AP_INVOICES_ALL', 'AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL', 'AP_INVOICE_LINES_ALL', 'AP_INVOICE_PAYMENTS_ALL',...
/ Posted by KapilFind out value of profile option at any level from backend. User have to enter the name of profile during the execution of script. SELECT b.user_profile_option_name "Long Name", a.profile_option_name "Short...
/ Posted by KapilDBA can investigation which objects are invalid and they can take necessary action for those object. Number of objects are invalid by object types SELECT object_type, COUNT ( * )...
/ Posted by KapilCheck file version in application through sql script & linux/sun os command. Enter file name in below script which provide file version with location. SELECT af.app_short_name "Application", af.filename "File Name",...
/ Posted by KapilCalculate total size of database and if you don't need size with TEMPFILE then you can make comment / remove the last line of script. SELECT SUM (bytes) / 1024...
/ Posted by KapilDBA can view users who are trying to access the production database through oracle script where they can able to view who are presently logged in / accessed the database....
/ Posted by KapilFind all the assets list through given script. SELECT DISTINCT a.asset_number, a.description, a.asset_type, d.segment1 asset_key, c.segment1 major_category, c.segment2 minor_category, c.segment3 sub_minor_category, b.deprn_method_code, b.life_in_months/12 life, b.book_type_code, b.date_placed_in_service, b.depreciate_flag, b.cost, h.units_assigned UNITS,...
/ Posted by Kapil