Oracle EBS ERP Setup
Sometimes concurrent request completed with below error message : Message :Record is currently being worked on by another user,Please try to update it of OE messages :1Error msg: Record...
/ Posted by KapilAPP-PAY-50022 error occur in HRMS module so need to take given necessary action to resolve this error. (Doc ID 177301.1) Follow the below steps to resolve the error : Switch...
/ Posted by KapilAPP-PAY-06346 error is common in HRMS module so need to take given necessary action to resolve this error. Follow the below steps to resolve the error : Find the person...
/ Posted by KapilView all the purchase order details from the creation dates which is very useful to identify status & details of PO. /* Formatted on 8/22/2021 12:02:13 PM (QP5 v5.136.908.31019) */...
/ Posted by KapilGenerate list of purchase order which are open yet. SELECT ph.segment1 po_num, ph.creation_date, hou.NAME "Operating Unit", ppx.full_name "Buyer Name", ph.type_lookup_code "PO Type", plc.displayed_field "PO Status", ph.comments, pl.line_num, plt.order_type_lookup_code "Line Type",...
/ Posted by KapilGenerate tax invoice for supplier. User have to change currency code in below script as per requirement. /* Formatted on 8/22/2021 11:39:45 AM (QP5 v5.136.908.31019) */ SELECT DISTINCT RCTL.LINE_NUMBER AS...
/ Posted by KapilIn depth details of supplier with status of supplier & status of items. SELECT DISTINCT msi.segment1 "ITEM CODE", pla.item_id, msi.description "ITEM DESCRIPTION", msi.inventory_item_status_code "ITEM STATUS", mp.organization_code, msi.item_type, PV.SEGMENT1 VENDOR_NUMBER, PV.VENDOR_NAME,...
/ Posted by KapilFind out items returned up against the purchase order to supplier. SELECT APS.VENDOR_NAME "SUPPLIER", ph.segment1 "PO NUM", MSI.DESCRIPTION, TO_NUMBER (QUANTITY_RECEIVED) " NET RECIEVED", (QUANTITY_SHIPPED - QUANTITY_RECEIVED) "RETURNED", rct.transaction_type, TRUNC (RCT.TRANSACTION_DATE)...
/ Posted by Kapil