Find out application base path which is useful to find out the file on application server. SELECT fa.application_id "Application ID", fat.application_name "Application Name", fa.application_short_name "Application Short Name", fa.basepath "Basepath" FROM...
/ Posted by KapilPayroll details of employees with all the attributes. SELECT TO_NUMBER (pap.employee_number) employee_number, INITCAP (pap.title) || ' ' || (pap.full_name) full_name, NVL (pet.attribute1, pet.element_name) Description, SUM(DECODE (pec.classification_name, 'Earnings', result_value, 'Deductions', result_value...
/ Posted by KapilGet the details about the loan of employees. Change the effective date as required. SELECT DISTINCT papf.EMPLOYEE_NUMBER, papf.full_name, pbv.balance_name Loan_Detail, MAX (pbv.VALUE) Loan_Remaining_Amount, Department_Name FROM per_all_people_f papf, per_all_assignments_f paaf,...
/ Posted by KapilList of employee with all the details like Name, Gender, Nationality, Department, Hire date & Address. /* Formatted on 8/21/2021 9:28:51 PM (QP5 v5.136.908.31019) */ SELECT papf.employee_number "Employee Number", papf.title...
/ Posted by KapilBank details of employees with bank name and account. SELECT DISTINCT a.employee_number, a.full_name employee_name, TRIM (d.segment1) bank_name, TRIM (d.segment2) bank_name_arabic, TRIM (d.segment6) IBAN FROM per_all_people_f a, per_all_assignments_f b, pay_personal_payment_methods_f c,...
/ Posted by KapilObserver CPU utilization of each query / session with details SELECT * FROM ( SELECT sql_text, cpu_time / 1000000 cpu_time, elapsed_time / 1000000 elapsed_time, disk_reads, buffer_gets, rows_processed FROM v$sqlarea ORDER...
/ Posted by KapilUser can find out the number of record in table SELECT table_name, TO_NUMBER(EXTRACTVALUE ( xmltype(DBMS_XMLGEN.getxml ( 'select count(*) c from ' || table_name)), '/ROWSET/ROW/C')) COUNT FROM user_tables WHERE table_name LIKE...
/ Posted by KapilSometimes concurrent request is running very slow or could not able to complete so user have to handle those request through follow few steps. Find out the request which is...
/ Posted by Kapil